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Eugene UstinenkovEugene editor-in-chief of the SoftOrbits, Ph.D. in computer science, CTO of the SoftOrbits📅 Last updated on:  2023-06-30

How to Convert PSD Format to JPG without Photoshop. Download an easy to use SoftOrbits PSD to JPG Converter.

Batch Picture Resizer Screenshot.

Before choosing PSD to JPG converter, the first thing to know is what PSD and JPG formats are. PSD is a Photoshop document created by Adobe to develop layered pictures. You can open this format in Photoshop's different versions. They can also be converted to file formats such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, etc. This makes the pictures uploaded on social media and other platforms extremely easy.
JPGs have a small file size and are used in emails, memory cards, and websites. JPG files are elementary to compress to almost 1/10th of their size. This saves bandwidth capacity. The only downside is that compression of JPG formatted images slightly loses their quality, so they are generally called 'lossy.'

PSD to JPG Converter Software

One of the market's best downloadable PSD to JPG converter software is the Batch Picture Resizer. Just as the name states, it is not only great for changing the size of the images but also does a lot of other useful functions as well, such as cropping images, reducing MBs of an image, changing photo resolution, resizing GIF images, rotating pictures, fixing picture contrast, adding watermarks, resizing images in batch and so on. However, one of the essential features is being a format converter, such as a PSD or Photoshop file convertor.

How to Convert PSD to JPG

Many graphic designers and developers use Adobe Photoshop to change their images to something fascinating. These images are changed layer by layer and are saved in the PSD format. However, this format could be more convenient and can only be easily uploaded on time. For this, the best solution is to convert the PSD format images to JPG, which is lightweight compared to the latter.
There are many methods with which we can do it. Three of the main methods that can be adopted include:

  1. Using the options menu in Adobe Photoshop to change the image to the desired format.
  2. Using downloaded PSD to JPG converter software to crop the size and format of any image.
  3. Using an online PSD to JPG converter from the web to upload the image and get the selected format.

These three methods are highly effective and easy to use. Many offline and online PSD to JPG software is readily available on the internet, which you can use to convert PSD files to JPG at your convenience.

Best PSD to JPG Converter Software Download

The SoftOrbits Batch PSD to JPG Converter is one of the best software in the market and is highly desirable because of the number of formats it can support. It can support image formats such as PSD, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, PCX, GIF, TGA, and JPEG 2000.
Other than this, the PSD to JPG converter software can also support almost 30 formats of RAW files, including Nikon (NEF NRW), Canon (CRW CR2 CR3), EPSON (ERF), Panasonic (RW2), Mamiya (MEF), and so on. These formats are commonly based on the TIFF format and produce an image from the camera sensor data with which you have taken the picture.
With the help of this, you can easily use this software as the PSD to jpeg convertor because of the ease with which it does the job.

How to Convert PSD to JPG without Photoshop

There are many online and offline software that can convert PSD to JPG without using Photoshop software. Even though Photoshop can change formats, heavy software can only be downloaded in some places.
Because of this, if you want to upload your images on websites such as eBay or email those, then using a convertor is a wise choice. Many excellent converters are available free of cost. One such converter is the SoftOrbits PSD to JPG software. Converting images to different formats is easy; just one click does the job.

How to use SoftOribts Batch PSD to JPG Converter

Open the SoftOrbits PSD to JPG Converter software (free to download).

Add psd files to convert to jpg..

Upload any image of your choice with the PSD format.

Open psd file to convert..

Clickon the option of Convert and Selectthe JPG format.

Choose jpg as output format..

You can save the image on any folder you want. It will be in the JPG format.

Select destination folder to save jpeg..

Then click on the Start button. The conversion will start.

Push the start button..

Batch Picture Resizer Batch Picture Resizer

Resize and convert pictures in full auto mode!

 Download for Free

How to Export Photoshop to JPG

Adobe is a great software company that has developed high-level software for photo editing, creating, etc. One of the best software that everyone, from students to professionals, can use is Adobe Photoshop.

This software has many useful features that make it an all-rounder option for image editing. One of the prominent features is the format conversion of software. It is a relatively simple method that has a limited amount of complexity. You can save PSD as JPG with the help of the following steps.

Edit the image in any way you want. While working, when you save it, it will be in the PSD format.
Adobe Photoshop. Main window..

Click on the File option in the menu bar and select the Save as option.
Adobe Photoshop. Save as..

Choose the format of your choice, in this case, the JPG option.
Adobe Photoshop. Choose jpg format to save PSD..

Click OK.

How to convert PSD to JPEG in Photoshop

Another method you can use is slightly different but will convert the format easily.

Click on the File option of the image.
Select the Export option.
Adobe Photoshop. Choose to save for web..

#step. A dialogue box will open.

Adobe Photoshop. Save for web window..

From there, select the save for Web option, and the image will be converted to JPG format.
Adobe Photoshop. save PSD for web in jpg..

Best PSD to JPG Online Convertors

Many online PSD to JPG converter format converters are available online, saving downloading time and space. Three of the top online convertors are explained below.


Online convert PSD to JPEG..

This is one of the top file converters that can convert different text, image, audio, and video formats to another. One of the most commonly used options is the free PSD to JPG converter.
You can convert the image format with the help of the following steps.

  1. Select the JPG format you want to convert.
  2. The next page will pop up.
  3. Here, you upload the image you want to convert by entering a URL, uploading the image from Google Drive or Dropbox, or just uploading the PC image.
  4. You can set the image quality, size, and colour.
  5. Click on the Start Conversion button, and the image will start to convert.
  6. Download the finished image.


Convertio to convert PSD to JPEG..

This online PSD to JPG converter is the second on the list. The feature that makes it the most desirable is that it can convert multiple images to a single format at a time.

  1. Choose any file you want from a URL link, DropBox, Google Drive, or from your computer.
  2. Choose the JPG option from the list of options for the Convert to option.
  3. Click on the Covert Button and watch the progress bar.
  4. Download all the images with the Download option in front of them.



This free PSD to JPG converter is third in the list and for a good reason. It also gives many file options, such as text, image, and video. The other thing that you have to give is an email address. With the help of this, the converted image will be sent to your email, from where you can download it easily anywhere you want.

  1. Upload any format image with a size less than 100MB.
  2. Select the JPG format in which you have to convert the image.
  3. Enter your email address and click on the Convert button.
  4. Go to your email inbox and download the converted image.

How to Convert PSD Format to JPG without Photoshop. Download an easy to use SoftOrbits PSD to JPG Converter.
 Download for Free
Batch Picture Resizer Screenshot.

🙋Frequently Asked Questions

You can convert an image of PSD to JPG with Adobe Photoshop options, using a downloaded PSD to JPG Converter software download such as Batch Picture Resizer, or using an online converter from the internet.

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